Chrome Beta for Android has been updated to 30.0.1599.61 and will be available in Google Play over the next few hours. This release has a number of crash fixes as well as the following fixes:
  • 289461: Occasional jumpy scrolling on Android
  • 290835: Speak now - Chrome crashes when tap on the given options for tablet and handset
Known issues:
  • 261822: Partial white flashes and background border issues when tap-to-zoom
  • 293782: Android Notification bar keeps showing for fullscreen API video on and notification bubble is missing
  • 294817: Sync sign in notification keeps popping up
A partial list of changes in this build is available in the SVN revision log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. More information about Chrome for Android is available on the Chrome site.

Jason Kersey
Google Chrome